Browsing categorylife

Run your life instead of letting life run you

Run your life instead of letting life run you

Now that I own and run three businesses, I’ve really learned that I need to be even smarter about scheduling my days. Rather than allowing the businesses to run me, I need to strategically decide when and where I spend my time so that I can meet my goals. I surprised myself when I realized this weekend that I actually...Continue reading

Step by step you will get there

Step by step you will get there

Most of the time getting into shape seems like a daunting task. When you’ve not been in shape, it’s been a while, or you’ve plateaued, the how is a big question mark. How do I get into shape? Where do I go from here? For the longest time, the how was the biggest mystery to me, too. I’ve been on...Continue reading

The day I decided I would become healthy was the day I first succeeded in being healthy.

The day I changed my mind, I changed my life.

The first step in changing any aspect of your life is changing your mindset. It's all in your head, and believing in yourself is everything. It's your most important first step. As moms, it’s often hard to allow ourselves the luxury of me time and to feel ok with prioritizing our health and mental well-being. What many of us don’t...Continue reading